MADD Festival – You’re Invited!

MADD is back for 2019 and you’re invited to attend!
Please join us for the 2019 MADD Festival as we celebrate the wonderful talents of our students in the area of Creative and Performing Arts at the College.
Held on Saturday 6 April, the MADD Festival will commence at 12:30pm when the College will be filled with an array of free exhibitions from Public Speaking to Drama performances. Many of the exhibitions will be from students who have been involved in three days of workshops leading up to the Festival. Our Hospitality and Food Technology students will be serving our community with delicious canapés later in the afternoon, a treat not to be missed! Please click here to view a program of events for Saturday afternoon.
The MADD Festival will culminate in our ticketed evening concert ‘Featured’. Commencing at 7pm, ‘Featured’ will engage your hearts and fill you with pride as you see what our students are capable of producing. ‘Featured’ is a ticketed concert – tickets can be purchased via TryBooking. (No ticket sales will be available at the door.)
We look forward to seeing you at the 2019 MADD Festival – engaging hearts and minds!